Monday, 29 November 2010

Surprise!! London Eye

So here I am on this cold British winters day, My wife and kids tell me to get ready for about 11:30 am and also gave me strict instructions to dress warm which only means been outdoors, so here I am bursting my brain trying to think what the heck have they got up there sleeves, then I'm told we are getting the London underground to our destination. 

After setting off and been on the tube I could see they all were trying not to laugh at me as anyone who knows me will tell you I am the worst person when it comes to suspense, I'm absolutely terrible!!! I was sweating and very much agitated, trust me you should have seen me. when we reached Waterloo station and was told that this was our stop, I started to think of all the tourist attractions in the area, I narrowed it down in my head to the aquarium or London eye, as i had photographed the London eye before on another cold night but  that's a story for another time , heheheheh. Anyway we got off the train turned right out of the station then another right then they all shouted SURPISE !!! .. it was the London eye.

Before i could get a taste of this super duper huge feris wheel l(lol) I was told they also booked for a visit to the 4D experience cinema on the the same grounds .. I must tell you its the  most amazing yet weird thing Ive ever experienced, Trust me  i don't even know how to describe it. i had sea gulls flying over my head A fire breather breathe fire in my face . had the saliver of a dragon in my face( gives a new meaning to the term dragon breath) so thats over and thinking I'm gonna walk straight out of here and straight onto the London eye, only to realize the small matter of QUEING up for 40 minutes in the bloody cold!!! even though it gave me enough time to annoy the hell out of the sweet lady with the cam in her face. 

We finally got on the capsule and i must say its truly amazing been able to see across London from this high  up,  a proper birds eye view I tell yah ... anyway here's a few shots  from the afternoon ..

My Family 

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